November 9, 2011

VF-1A Super Battroid Valkyrie

Finally my own masterpiece completed. It's been painted, polished and all decals are mark in its right place. This is a very challenging model kit to start with but i just the details on it. The more you put your effort into it the better or even greater the result.
Full frontal view
See the panel lines details and decals are just amazing don't you think
The stripes and the "Skull" is fully painted/airbrush, not using the decals provided  since i'v torn some of it and it forced me to make adjustment to it. 
I've used lacquer type spray paint to paint its gun.
Hand painted the plate on top of the head.
Super pack

It's a bit rough around the edges but i'm getting better at it now ^_^

The stripes on the legs are airbrushed
LEFT: My first attempt (using only lacquer spray). Not much details put into it
RIGHT: Second attempt.
Building a model takes time and patients. If you really have passion for it then its definitely would be easy for you too.I highly recommend this model kit (HASEGAWA VF-1A) for those who just starting into model building. Hope you guys enjoyed it. PASSION people!