January 15, 2010


here we are with another post from Revoltech series from the anime Gurren Lagann
"Revoltech Enki" comes equipped with interchangeable accessories and parts (1 built-in weapon, 2 Enki missiles, 2 swords, 4 optional hands, 1 optional G.Lagann head, 1 forehead accessorie and 1 display base).
thats Lagann his holding in his hands...

The "Gurren-Lagann" is originally formed as a response to the Enki's initial two-headed configuration. Its status as a fused machine (with two exceptionally spirited pilots) makes it one of, if not, the most powerful entity of its size seen in the series.
The figure is 5-6" tall and has 55 articulation points with 18 joint parts.
and this is his finishing moves...hope you enjoyed this one people...i bought this also on ebay but i think i saw one selling at Chong Hock, Kiulap

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